What is my work
What is my work......well if you asked me this question when i dropped my daughter off at Turnbridge i would have said what do you mean? you are going to fix her right? like a month or so and then we will be good to go right? That was the beginning of my work. Everyone's work is a little different and that is the interesting part about this.....everyone's situation is different but emotions shared are the same. and somehow even though the experiences are different from family to family or child to child the tools, knowledge, emotions and validation i can apply to my own experience. I can be on a meeting where the first topic comes out and i think oh this wont apply, somehow 15 minutes in, the topic morphs into something that resonates for me and it becomes something i can apply to my own experience. the experience, the journey of having my daughter in treatment was where i began to unravel the root of how we got to where we are. That was my work. i mean how could i have thou